How To Darius Vs Riven As
Riven vs darius matchup statistics :: counter choosing. Darius vs riven :: league of legends (lol) qna on mobafire. Riven is stupidly strong because she builds harm and finally ends up tanky as a result. darius is stupidly strong due to the fact he builds tanky and still finally ends up doing damage regardless. Maintain this thread. level 1. 1 point · how to darius vs riven as four years in the past. while you need to exchange with him use the sprint,vehicle,stun,auto cheese. degree 1. 1 factor · 4 years ago. i sense like riven can do plenty extra at lvl 3 then a darius. stage 1. 1 point · 4 years ago. Early game an amazing riven can beat darius. however as the sport is going on and darius stacks armor he eventually outscales riven simply difficult, so even a riven who kills darius 3 times in lane wont be capable of 1v1 him by the time he has 2 items. The Perspective See greater videos for how to vs darius as riven. Kennen is a good darius counter due to the fact he can junk mail h...